Like to Volunteer?

Parents, it is always an honor to have you take time out of your day to help us here at Paddington. May we take this opportunity to thank you in advance for any help you can give us? If any of this interests you, do let us know by sending an email to or adding your name to the sign-up sheets, which will be located outside the main building during the first week of school.

Following is a list of areas that you could assist us with:

Carline Helpers

September is the month for the 3 Bears Cottage class to help with carline. It’s a great opportunity to meet other families! If you have 10 minutes to spare in the morning, please consider helping get children out of the car! Staff will also be there to assist. Carline help is needed from 9:00 a.m. through 9:10 a.m. Please follow the link below to sign up. We look forward to seeing you there!

Homeroom Parents

Homeroom Parents are essential to the school, and we could not do without them. They orchestrate classroom parties, teachers’ gifts, and more. They are also a great link between parents and teachers.
If you are a Homeroom Parent, the pages you received in your info packet at our 1st meeting are available for download on the Useful Documents page. Homeroom Parent meetings are held intermittently throughout the year.


Parents, sometimes our Sub list runs dry. In this case, your help would be appreciated in assuming the role of Assistant. The Assistant will assume the role of Lead, so no experience is necessary on your part. We will reimburse you for your time or deduct the amount from your tuition.

Costumes and Repairs

Do you have a sewing machine and basic sewing skills? If so, we need your help! If not, then you can help in other areas such as gluing, steaming etc. 

Holiday Musical

The work is not done once the costumes are ready! We need help transporting props to the theater, setting up the stage and breaking it down after the show.

Holidays Around the World

Each December we expose your children to the cultures, celebrations, festivities and food tasting from different countries around the world. If you can share your culture and customs with us, do let us know. Also very important, if you have a traditional costume related to your country, it makes such a difference. 

Public Relations

Represent your child's school by standing in for us at an array of wonderful local events held throughout the year here at The Woodlands. i.e. The Children's Festival, Arts in the Park, The Woodlands Family Fun Fest, etc. Also help us by taking photos and videos during our events and sending them to newspapers, magazines etc.

Car Line Duty

Each month we ask parents from a different class to help with carline duty. Each class is called upon to volunteer once a year only and your help is greatly needed and appreciated. A sign up sheet will be put outside the classroom to volunteer by the Homeroom Mom. The parent volunteer is only needed to help from 9:00 - 9:10 am.
Schedule as follows:
Aug/Sept.: Train Station ~ Oct.: 3 Bears Cottage ~ Nov.: Gingerbread
Dec.: Kindergarten ~ Jan.: Butterflies I ~ Feb.: Ladybugs
March: Butterflies II ~ April: Teddy Bears ~ May: Little Lambs

Pumpkin Patch Volunteers

Our Pumpkin Patch will be open each day during the week of this event at specific times: i.e. 8:40 - 9:10, 12:00 - 12:30, 3:00 - 3:30.
We need parents to help coordinate this event and to man the Pumpkin Booth at the above times.